Dog Licensing

All dogs over the age of five (5) months must be licensed per Town Ordinance and State Statute.  Dog license period is January 1 to December 31.

Dog license applications for the new year may be submitted beginning mid-December by mail, or may be included with tax payments.

Dog licenses are obtained by mailing a completed application, a current copy of the rabies vaccination that includes dog’s name (this will be returned), document showing spay/neuter status, appropriate payment, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Treasurer. If no rabies certificate is enclosed, a license WILL NOT be issued.

A $5.00 late fee per dog will be charged for renewed licenses after March 31st.  New dogs are licensed throughout the year.

Make checks payable to: TOWN OF WATERTOWN

Town Treasurer

Mercia Christian

N8302 High Road,
Watertown, WI 53094.

Phone: (920) 261-5690
Email: [email protected]

Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to return your license.


  • Unaltered Male $10.00
  • Unaltered Female $10.00
  • Neutered Male $5.00
  • Spayed Female $5.00
  • 5 or more dogs requires a
    Kennel License $50.00