Trash & Recycling

Please follow the schedule mailed out with your tax bill.  IF you need another, please call (920)261-5690 and  leave your address.

Bins are NOT to be placed out for pick up prior to 24 hours before and should be taken in as soon as possible after.

New Resolutions for Trash Placement and Pick Up Click Here

2025 Garbage and Recycling Calendar

Bulk Pick-up is the third pick-up of the month.
Call: 608-580-0580 or LRSRECYCLES.COM to schedule your pick-up.

White areas on the map are even weeks (Ex: 8/28)  Gray areas are odd weeks (Ex: 9/4)

Recycling is every other week.  (see calendar sent)
If a holiday occurs during the week, pick up is on Saturday, not Friday.