East Gate Drive – Highway 16 Construction Project: Effective Monday, March 31, during the entire Highway 16 construction project, the bridge and part of East Gate Drive, located between the Mobile Home Park and Gopher Hill Road, will posted as ONE Lane Traffic only.


Town of Watertown

Welcome to the Town of Watertown!

A DROP BOX is now located on the left side of the Town Hall entry.

The population for the state of Wisconsin is about 5,871,840. Located in Jefferson County (Population 84,412) the Town of Watertown has a population of 1955, of which 1315 are of voting age (Wttn: 1115, Creek: 180, L. Mills: 20). The town covers an area of approximately 59 sq. miles. It basically surrounds three sides of the City of Watertown (Population 22,611). It boarder’s the Town of Ixonia to the East and the Village of Johnson Creek to the south. The Towns of Milford and Sheilds to the West, and the Town of Farmington to the southeast.

County Sheriff’s Department for coverage. For Fire and EMS responses, the Village of Johnson Creek, or the Town of Ixonia Departments, or the City of Watertown will respond depending on the location. There is a “rural” fire department operated by the Towns of Sheilds, Emmet, Milford, and Watertown.

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